Backpacking Training Trip: Cottonwood Marble Canyon Loop, Death Valley National Park, Day 2

Cottonwood-Marble Canyon Loop. Day 1: Red, Day 2: Blue. Last night was incredibly cold. I can say for sure that is was the coldest night I have ever camped, considering I have never had my water freeze before. And my water was inside my tent! Getting the tent down proved to be quite a challenge. I had only brought a pair of fleece gloves with me for warmth and my bottle of electrolyte drink had spilled on them the night before so now they were useless. I only had my fingerless sun gloves for protection. Knowing that the “tricky part” of the hike was ahead of me today, I wanted to get as early of a start as possible. However, I either accidentally turned my phone off in the dark or the cold was messing with the battery, because, when I woke up, it was past my alarm time and my phone wasn't working. I still managed to wake up and start breaking down camp before the sun broke over the pass I needed to head to. The inside of my tent's rain fly was completely coate...