Trail Day 82: Tentsite (mile 1203.8) to tentsite near Quincy Le Port Rd (mile 1232.2)

28.5 PCT miles

Wanting to get in as many miles as possible today, I started hiking at first light. I walked across a ridge, passing several roads. There were quite a few people who had driven up to the buttes and were camping next to their cars. I then headed down to a small pond to get water and bumped into a couple more PCT hikers who had spent the night there and were packing up their tents.

Sunrise reflecting on a lake.

After that, I headed back up a small hill and heard a loud, strange clatter. I thought it might be very loud wind chimes at first,  though I wasn't sure why there would be wind chimes way out in the woods. It turned out to be a cow with a cowbell that was echoing off the hills.


I kept walking until I hit A-Tree Spring. There was shade next to the spring, so I took out my camp pad and lounged there, eating lunch. I had already gone about 13 miles, so my feet needed a rest. I stayed there about an hour before heading out again.

The PCT.
View from the trail.
A-Tree Spring.

The rest of the afternoon I walked the forests and ridges. There was nothing particularly exciting about it, it was just long.

View from the trail.
The PCT late in the day.
Sunset from the trail.

I decided to walk a little further past sunset. I had my eye on a certain camp spot that would have been 28.5 miles from where I had started the day. With how far behind schedule I was, I wanted to start doing more miles and 28.5 would be the furthest I had walked in a single day.

I only had to walk in the dark for a little bit before finding the campsite.

Blurry picture of a badger I saw after sunset.


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