AZT 2019 Day 27: Extra Zero Day with my Parents


My original plan for today was to leave early in the morning for the trailhead back in Pine. However, due to my illness last night, combined with the need for a replacement battery charger, that wasn't going to happen.

I talked with my parents in the morning about their schedule, and we came to the conclusion that it would be best to spend another day in Mesa, and leave for Pine tomorrow.

I was very anxious to get back to the trail. However, I recognized the need for a real rest day. Yesterday I had been running around with both errands and sightseeing. It was honestly exhausting.

Today was a whole lot of (mostly) nothing. We went to Best Buy (trip #3) to get my charger, but, other than than, we spent a large portion of the day in front of the TV watching DVDs. I was nice just to wind down for several hours.

At the end of the day we went to watch my niece at her swim practice. Both my brother and I were competitive swimmers through college, so swim practice is a big deal in my family. But, after that it was more lounging in front of the TV.

Tomorrow I will hit the trail again, much less stressed than if I had gone back this morning. Bring it on.


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