FT2018 Day 51: Bristol (mile 873.9) to Hillcrest Baptist Church (mile 895.4)

21.5 FT miles

I started off the day by missing my alarm. I still has a lot of prep, organizing, and uploading to do, so this was not a good start. I got everything done as quickly as I could, then checked out of the hotel. It was a little before 9 am.

Pedestrian walkway on the road out of Bristol.

I took SR 20 to Blountstown, where I joined a greenway that used to be a railroad. There was a railroad themed park as well as an old rail car in the area. I thought I would be on this for a while, until the trail spilled back into the highway.

Seen on the greenway through Blountstown. 
Railway themed playground along the greenway in Blountstown .

I was on a series of highways or busy roads for a long time. It was incredibly hot. I was moving very slow because of the heat and because I was in a foul mood still from recent events. None of this was a good combination and I ended up missing my turn a couple times.

Finally, around 2:30 pm, I reached my one natural area for the day, Chipola WMA. I, of course, missed the turn to enter it and had to backtrack. I found the first open area I could and laid down to have lunch. While I was eating, another hiker named Ninja Tortoise came by.

Feeling energized and hydrated from lunch, I walked the WMA, which was a tiny section of bluff that followed the river. It was relatively cool and pleasant. I ended up being in a much better mood because of it.

Chipola Creek.

After the WMA, I headed out on SR 274. I would be on this road for a very long time. It was much more enjoyable than earlier because the sun had gone down. Walking the road wasn't so bad when it was cool. I decided to night hike the rest of the road walk. I would be getting to the Econfina trailhead pretty late, but at least it would be over and I wouldn't have to do it in the heat.

Back on the road.
Roadwalk sunset.

I was going to make one stop on the road, and that was at a trail friendly church that provided water, restrooms and camping. CopperTone was going to hang out there for a few days doing trail magic. My plan was to get there, enjoy my root beer float, and keep moving.

That plan did not happen. I met CopperTone, who gave me my the root beer float. As I was chatting, it kept getting later and later. After a while, I figured I would just get up very early to finish this roadwalk. I went inside and ate hot dogs and charged my phone, all while having a nice conversation with CopperTone.

Late night snack thanks to CopperTone .

I then set up my tent behind the church and looked at the upcoming days to Ebro, my next resupply stop. I checked the post office hours, as I wanted to see when I needed to get there. They were only open until noon Monday to Friday. I was scheduled to get there on a Friday evening.

Crap. The junction for town is over 49 miles away. There is no camping available in the 30-42 mile range between the church and town. I should have kept walking tonight. I'm not sure what to do. If I don't make the Friday pick up, I have to wait until Monday. I think my only options are to somehow attempt a 40+ mile day tomorrow or two wait two extra days for my resupply. I'm honestly not sure what to do. I should have kept walking after the church stop.


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